Replying to Krishnamurti
To judge everyone by their methods and intentions with the same rule is pure ignorance.
There are false teachers, priests, engineers, politicians etc, but there are also good people, good souls who deserve our utmost respect.
Ancient techniques of meditation are tools and vehicles to enlightment.
Meditation alone without Devotion and service to humanity is useless.
You can achieve higher levels of meditations and spiritual progress. You can earn pysquic powers and yet God remains elusive.
Meditation without humility and Devotion and kindness to lesser beings is not going to give you liberation.
You can meditate for incarnations and still be forced by karma to reincarnate.
Thoughts are semi-material forms of energy. And it is linked to the samsaras and ego.
When a thought arises it is not necessary from within.
Observe and substitute.
There is the objective mind, the subsconciouss mind and the super consciouss mind.
The reason we think as monkey minds is because we are engrossed on the five physical senses and because for incarnations we have created and cultivated bad habits.
Meditation with pranayama erases the bad habits ingrained on the grooves of the brain.
We are pure energy. The soul is always pure and untouched by the astral and physical body.
Spirit is expanded energy and matter is frozen and condensed energy.
Frequency determines our astral plane mansion after bodily death. There are many mansions.
I speak from experience not bookish learning.
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